Paris, France (上)。2022 春|#在英研究生遊記 ep1這陣子換了用了四年的手機,資料移轉時重新翻看了兩年前在英國攻讀碩士時,收藏在相簿裡那些實際探訪過的吉光片羽,覺得和現在的日常生活相比實在恍如隔世,就像做了一段很短的美夢,醒來後只剩下一點模糊、依稀的記憶。Oct 6, 2024Oct 6, 2024
《日麗》風和日麗中晞曬的記憶碎片一直對於未依循直白三幕劇結構的作品情有獨鍾。《日麗》便是一部近期最讓我深刻的電影,映後才意識到,隨著電影中交雜著快樂與憂傷的親情片段,我早已投射了自身經驗,喚起了許多與家人的記憶碎片,而那些碎片,直挺挺地沒入了的心口,沒有預兆,稍微挪動身軀卻會隱隱作痛。Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023
Critically evaluate the contribution of the servant leadership perspective to the understanding of…Recent leadership-related studies have suggested that positive leadership, including the three moral forms of leadership (i.e., ethical…Jun 14, 2022Jun 14, 2022
巴黎・甜點巡禮 | Pâtisserie in Paris記得國小、國中時非常喜歡看夢色蛋糕師這部漫畫,後來因緣際會之下也學了兩三年的法文,對於法國跟甜點的嚮往,全部都在這趟初春的巴黎行實現。Apr 16, 2022Apr 16, 2022
雅思 IELTS overall 8 自修心得繼去年考完托福後,原本以為可以再也不用碰到英文檢定的我,在這幾個月申請英國碩士的過程,發現去年9月底考的托福成績不適用於大多2021/9 入學的taught master(成績要到2021/10月還是valid的狀態)。Dec 9, 2020Dec 9, 2020
Paradoxical Relation between Nature and Humanity: A White HeronAccording to Silverthorne “Late twentieth-century ecologists have pointed to ‘A White Heron’ as one of the earliest stories with a theme…Aug 21, 2020Aug 21, 2020
Reciprocity : Similarities between Dupin and Minister D–The Purloined Letter, last of the three earliest detective stories by Edgar Allan Poe, is prestigious in its sophisticated, insightful…Dec 18, 2019Dec 18, 2019